Error: The workspace cannot be opened because of the EMWS11.EM_NODIED data set cannot be opened for update. Either you do not have write permissions or this data set is locked or not compatible with this server.
Resolution steps:
The following are the possible causes:
1) First check your <Project Files>\Workspaces\EMWS1\System directory to see if there are any *.lck files like wsopen.lck. This could mean that someone else has the lock on the diagram. However, if you want to delete those files which end with *.lck that might resolve the problem.
Note: When SAS Enterprise Miner project is open and the project name is selected in the top left corner panel, there is a Property pane (middle left panel) that shows the project path in the path field.
2) In your example, the referenced EM_NODEID file is found in the <Project Files>\Workspaces\EMWS1\ directory. Make sure the user ID that logs into SAS Enterprise Miner has write permissions to this directory.
On Windows, you can check this as follows: a) Select the directory b) Right click mouse button to bring up the context menu and select Properties c) Select the Security tab d) Select your username or group so that the permissions for that username or group are shown